Consultation and Integration


IYO consultancy services are based on experience and knowledge. We work with our customers to understand their needs and to provide methodologies that answer them.  Our integrated solutions feature IT networks, Big Data, AI and cyber security provisions.   

Big Data Management & Analysis

Data is everywhere and when combined with Big Data and AI technologies, it contains a lot of very important information. Understanding the advantages, governments and private organizations are becoming more and more digitalized and efficient, which  has introduced additional challenges.

When designing and integrating IYO projects, strategies are built for big data and AI tools management, so that data can be safely collected, monitored, filtered and quickly analyzed to provide crucial information

Digital Solutions

IYO digital solutions include tamper-proof digital ID cards and biometric access technologies. Used mostly by governments, our digital solutions kick in during registration and continue throughout a citizen’s lifecycle. Our digital solutions authenticate user identity, prevent duplications and alert on automatic expiry and renewal. 

Schedule a virtual meeting to discuss the most suitable solution to your needs

Data Centers/ Digital infrastructure

By design, IYO datacenters and digital infrastructures are highly secure and segmented. Following a multi-layer approach, all data is collected, handled and analyzed in a closed and trusted environment. During the initial stages of a project, IYO introduces the means for compliance with global and local privacy and other standards, so that data is protected and safe.  

IYO offers solutions for enterprise, managed services and cloud datacenters and more.

Contact our local expert for more information

Political Consulting

Working closely with Heads of State and senior government officials, IYO consultation services have been the force behind successful campaign management systems, crisis management solutions and creating  effective political strategies.

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